Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Learn About Processing: RFID Tagging

What are RFID Tags?
Radio-Frequency Identification tags are small electronic devices that consist of a chip and an antenna, which are applied to or incorporated into a product for the purpose of identification, tracking, and/or theft deterence.¹
Two Types of RFID Tags

RFID and Libraries
In the last decade, RFID tags have increased in popularity in a number of arenas, including retail stores, public transportation systems, and livestock inventory. Libraries have also made use of RFID tags. Initially used to provide security and theft deterrence, RFID tags can also be used to link a product to its barcode and issuing library. RFID tags have simplified library inventory management, too. Now, rather than scanning products in and out one at a time with traditional barcodes, librarians can scan an entire stack of products in one fell swoop.²

RFID and Midwest Tape
Midwest Tape can apply RFID tags for any system for a minimal charge. In addition, we can activate or link tags for the following four systems:
    For help choosing RFID options or for any questions regarding Midwest Tape processing services, please contact your Midwest Tape processing representative at 800.875.2785.

    Processing is part of our Workflow Solutions services. To learn more about Workflow Solutions, start the setup process, or view samples, download our no-obligation Workflow Solutions brochure. You can also learn more by clicking the “Workflow Solutions” link under “SERVICES” on our homepage.

    Does your library use RFID tagging? How has it aided your workflows? Share your experiences and feedback here as comments.


    1. We have been using RFID self-checkout at our Forest location for a few years now. We only need one staff member at the public service desk minding the checkout process. Because of this, it has freed up staff to perform other duties such as helping patrons find books, helping patrons with computer problems, or providing additional programming. It was a large initial cost, but has paid for itself over time! (Our vendor is Tech Logic).

    2. Thanks, Jenny, for the valuable feedback.

      In your case, you used RFID tagging to develop self-checkout services at your Forest branch. How have others used RFID to enhance their workflow solutions?


    We'd love to hear what you think! Just be sure to leave your name and email address or your username, so we can respond appropriately.