Friday, March 9, 2012

Dragon Tattoo Has Unique DVD Design

We would like to address some confusion caused by the DVD version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Upon opening the case, librarians and patrons will find what looks to be a burned DVD-R with the movie’s title scrawled across it with a marker, as seen below:

If you have ordered The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on DVD, rest assured that you did not receive a bootleg copy of the film. This is the authentic DVD direct from Sony Pictures. Sony designed the DVD and its packaging to reflect the theme of the movie and its popular hacker protagonist, Lisbeth Salander.

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us at or 800.875.2785.


  1. i ALMOST had a fit and returned this to Redbox... thanks for the post.

  2. Hahaha same here !! ^^^

  3. This is clearly a deliberate plot by Sony to accuse buyers of stealing the movie so they can be sued for millions of dollars. (I'm kidding... Maybe. I'm sure no one in the Movie industry would stoop so low.)

  4. Hardly unique. Smashing Pumpkins' Judas 0 CD, Borat DVD as mentioned above, etc

  5. Thanks for all the comments. While this scenario has occurred in the past, like Borat as mentioned above, it can still be a little surprising to come across such interruptive DVD disc marketing.

    We're glad we were able to clarify.

  6. In some states if an CD or DVD is visible through the window, and the disk looks to be a copy of a copyright protected disk then it gives the police permission to search your car because a crime has apparently happened. So do not leave this visible on your car's seat.

  7. System Of A Down did something similar in 2002:!

  8. This is hardly new. System of a Down did it a few years ago. Look up "Steal This Album."

    Besides... if it were really pirated and they couldn't be bothered to print a label... then there is no reason that the R rating would be printed on the disc. :P

  9. Anonymous should sue them for Copyright volition lol

  10. I'm calling the anti-piracy hotline just to make sure.

  11. Good now everyone can copy it and it won't be notice Thank you Sony!

  12. i don t really get what s the problem here and SINCE when we rate the movie by its cover??

  13. ever heard of "Steal this Album" - SOAD?

  14. I am very, very pissed off. Somebody wrote all over my Girl With the Dragon Tattoo dvd, and now I can't watch the feature film with the same pleasure as I would have. The sloppy handwriting has changed my movie watching experience, and now my life is ruined. How am I going to feed my children when this dvd has writing all over it?


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